Thursday, October 23, 2008

Soccer Season

"G" loved playing soccer this year. He has figured out the game and became much more aggressive. It was so much fun to watch him. He wouldn't get caught up in the crowd around the ball, but would wait for the pass outside the crowd and be ready to play his position.

I was so proud of him and how hard he worked. He absolutely loved every part of it. Each night before the game he'd set all his stuff out on the floor of his room. And every morning he'd ask me which order the layers went! (We mom's appreciate being needed!)

Blue ball, out of bounds!

Calling for the ball from out-of-bounds.
He is such a team player! I truly think his favorite part of each game is high fiving the teammate who scored a goal! He and Blake got pretty good at it. At least they weren't belly bumping like last year when the other team was scoring!

And, of coure, once the game is over boys will be boys. Dad thinks real men who play real sports tackle any way! He and his buddy Jett had lots of fun during the big kids' games.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I love to see how much kids grow from sports year to sports year. It is amazing what a year does for their confidence and abilities!

I have never been a big fan of soccer...WAY TOO MUCH running with so little score for me! But guess what...Mr Ryan can't stop talking about being able to play soccer next year!

Keep up the hard work Garret!